Friday, January 19, 2007

My - Bu


What’s all this bulletins ...cud someone enlighten me...sometimes they are informative...but sometimes they’re just 100% freshly squeezed crap.... where do u guys get this stuff...funny to think of it you know.... bulletin...n why do they call it bulletin...bullet coz its fast...or bullet because people discard it fast??? Hmm things to ponder about huh...same goes to me.... I don’t even know why im writing this.... may be coz its 12 midnight n I have nothing to do...then again it might be that everyone that posts a bulletin has nothing to do at 12 midnight that’s why they post a bulletin...I cant believe im writing this...but...maybe its a way to give people all at one go...instead of one by one.... maybe i can talk bout things for example...i watched SURIA last week n it was the morning show.... that was like one in a rainbow coloured moon i wud watch that channel....anyway it was the morning show....n u guys knoe SUHAIMI...the guy who acts in the sitcom "Police n Thief"...yah hes the policeman....he was doing this lucky draw thing.....n then he pulled out a name...."Khamsiah binte Md Jedi".....Md Jedi? JEDI??? I mean what a name.... ive heard of Md Hitler before (im not joking) but JEDI???? Its like "May the Force be with you" kinda thing u know...what the crap...there look bulletin = crap...hah! Wow.... if u guys find any strange names please let me know I like this strange but true thingies...damn I still like got 2502 characters left on this trying to type as much crap as possible so I can finish it lets see...who’s a Man United fan???? Well the girls wud say "yah.yah....,soccer" thats what all the guys talk about nothing definetely bout sex.... ahh now thats a hot topic...but i dont think itll be good talking bout sex in a bulletin right? Right?........................right? Okok we shall not discuss that.... hmm.... gimme a topic to discuss about.... how bout "Who invented the Bulletin?"...A guy named Mr. B. Ullet In who really had nothing to do one night at 12 midnight and decided to send his friends a message...seeing message wouldn’t be the right term to use for a mass distribution...he used his own name! What a genius! Genius my *$%#! ...Talking bout geniuses.... did u know that Einstein only used (was it 2% or 10%) of his brain capacity...and he came out with the godforsaken formula E=mc2...just imagine how much of our brain we are using now...but I believe that there r some people who can unlock that other parts of the brain to accomplish a higher usage of their brain capacity...that’s why I believe that there r people who can move objects with their minds alone...interesting huh...think bout that...enough about believing...lets state the a way a bulletin is helpful coz it helps one person convey a single message to many people at 1 another way the bulletin is NOT helpful is because its full of shit......simple?...Hey I didn’t know I cud write this much.....just putting your thoughts down .....Whoa...I seem to be thinking a lot.... a lot of what am I doing sitting in front of my pc at.... 12:18am typing this? Hah.... its because I see almost everyone posting a bulletin not me.... so I decided to post one...looking at other bulletins for reference...didn’t help much.... why? U said it.... coz its a load of I thought why not type in a huge load of crap...which I doubt people are going to read.... and post a bulletin...I know ive bored u guys but bear wit me a bit more.... u know why coz there’s only 315 characters to go...that’s as much as a 3 page sms.... hah... but unfortunately this did not get thru as a bulletin.....the server said it was loaded with stuff that cannot be sent in a bulletin .....nvm...ill post it as a blog!

1 comment:

adam shah said...

jeez man... yeesh...

PS. some advice.
you should start using paragraphs man.

the whole "..." thing isn't really working in terms of setting your sentences apart.

come to think of it.
your whole posts was just one really REALLY long sentence. with a load of punctuation mistakes.
