A Taliban Terrorist

A Nepalese

And a Korean so far,
(the fella who mistook me for a korean said the lights must have been dim, yeaaaah riiiight, he must have been color blind)

Damn this picture is so gay...
Anyway, my army buddy used to ask me this question, "Oi, your father indian, then your mother chinese........HOW COME YOU MELAYU?!"
yup....(indian + chinese = malay), what a wonderful formula!
yeah...coming back to the response thingie, mr/miss anoynomous, who are you? Thats the question....
Well thats all this time, i seriously have not gotten used to this blogging thing, so till the next post.....
"(the fella who mistook me for a korean said the lights must have been dim, yeaaaah riiiight, he must have been color blind)"
may i just ask...
what the FUCK were you doing with a guy in a place where the lights were dimmed??? : |
Dam, youre killing me with your comments....reputation is going down the hole as we speak...
okay fine i'll tell the truth...
jab is a handsome straight guy with a big dick.
not as big as mine. but you can't blame genetics man.
Thats it my reputatio has diminished so much its non-existant already......people will ask, how in the fishes do you knoe the size of his "cash and prizes"!?
PS. i haven't actually seen his dick to know it's big.
i just heard it from other people. and they're girls not guys.
so that kinda covers all angles i reckon.
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